Wednesday, May 13, 2020


My name is Daniel Natic.

I have been writing software for nearly twenty years. I started hobby programming in VB6 back in the day. This evolved into writing WinForms applications in C# and custom web sites with, SQL server, and Microsoft blah-blah-blah.

The most dramatic change in my programming life came when I changed employers and switched to Scala. I found my true passion and dove headfirst into functional programming and building distributed, highly scalable APIs. I was introduced to AWS, caching strategies, multi-data center systems, NoSQL databases, Docker, Kubernetes, and so much more.

I started this blog to share my experiences with fellow developers. I hope my readers learn from my posts and look forward to learning from them in discussions.

This blog will be primarily tailored to Scala (JVM) concepts, but is very frequently applicable to any language of choice.

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